Finally getting back into it! Here's a couple of tries at the 1 point perspective assignment (one much messier than the other). I really struggled trying to include anything in the rooms that was off-kilter/not at 90 degrees to the wall - is there some method for that or is it just a practice thing?

Hey there, great job! These perspective pieces look really good
There definitely is a process to rotate objects in perspective, marc covers it in term 2 perspective


Ah okay - getting ahead of myself! Thanks

Welcome back! Good job getting back at it.

Oof I have almost never drawn buildings in the past and wow it's really not my thing! This was quite tedious. I could only face detailing one building! But definitely learning a lot about 2 point perspective from doing it

I haven't been posting my daily gesture drawings becuase I'm kind of embarrassed by them! But here is a couple of longer figure drawings. I have a looong way to go. It's weird because humans are probably the thing I've drawn most in the past - possibly I have a lot of bad habits to unlearn!

These have so much energy in them, me likes

This is lovely! I like how you maintain the right perspective without being too fussy about your lines (I get obsessed with making them look perfectly straight but then fail to notice what I’m drawing might look out of proportion - so your style is something I’d like to learn from!) (Also I like how you add cats into your drawing, somehow that makes challenging assignments like this more fun 😂)

You’re so good keep it up!

Nice job in these figures, you can feel the dynamism of the poses


Thank you so much! Yeah for the first perspective piece I was using procreate to make all perfectly straight lines and it took me so insanely long! So for the next two I forbade myself from using that tool and just stuck with the lines my wobbly hand drew :sweat_smile:

This is truly great stuff! As for the embarrassment in regard to the gesture drawings, I feel you - I posted mine anyway 'cause, hey, we're all here to learn. It's 100% your decision but from the way you translate what you see into your art, it's highly likely that you're better at them than you think :smile: Keep up the amazing work!

Some head shape practice - I think my spheres/ovals are still pretty off? Also some ear studies

Yo great studies
These look pretty good. Only things I would note (not much of a critique) is that from front view, no real reason to make the cut oval, the sphere would be vertically cut and when looking at the chin at angles from below, do note the actual chin is rounded “in all directions” so, not sharp and the he bottom of the jaw angles toward the hyoid bone making the floor of the oral cavity and submandibular region


Thank you that makes sense! I was definitely treating the face as like a shield stuck on the front of the sphere lol so remembering that the chin has depth has been very helpful!

Some quick nose work as well as a few of the personal things I've been doing this month since I realised I've never posted any of my own fun stuff here :blush: