This one was a study that makes me think I need to fix some resolution settings or something, as the edges of the blue and red parts were a lot cleaner on the psd. file and even on the jpg when looking at it afterward.
I was trying to just do 4-5 colors on each, and then mess with the opacity of the layers when needed, trying to just do a quick study, not hone in on the details, and move on.
This was mainly an experiment in layering and clipping masks as far as the technical aspect. I tried to use that to get the nice clean borders, but you can probably see with the blue/red border, that didn't go as well, because rather than clipping everything to the foundation of the blue layer, I wanted to clip a few things to the planet shape, and so couldn't clip that edge of the planet to the little triangle area I had made. Any advice for that and getting clean-cut diagonal lines?
My other main questions regarding this would be about how the upper and lower edges of the red/blue seem to fade into a different black, but it didn't appear that way when I was working with it.
Also, for the effect with all the little embers in the red part of the piece, is there a way to do that more efficiently rather than just making a bunch of little dots/swipes all over the canvas?
Would also love any general feedback.