Looks good already ^^ but be careful with his jaw, its a bit slimmer on the left side :blush:

Thanks. =)
Yeah, I see that now, mistakes tend to make themselves apparent after I post things, I've noticed. =P

The left arm (our left) needs some slight silhouette adjustments, and the left hip needs to go slightly more inward. I'll apply these notes on monday. =)

Current progress on this study. Holy moly, there is a LOT of things that need correction. at this point I wish I made a grid to get a 1:1 scale and understanding of the shapes. I sort of cheat by using temporary rulers (shift dragging the brush from the form in the reference to the form on my study).

I love your line work, Especiallly the jellyfish. Love the idea of Starwars x Sea creatures

Just dumping part of my experimental render. Been reading Andrew Loomis' figure drawing for all it's worth.
Mostly reading today.

Skull model does not belong to me, it was made by martinjario on sketchfab

Just made some observations on what happens when you change the FOV (field of view) on 3d models. This might be elementary to some, and I understood it somewhat, but the change is dramatic when you change from for instance 90 FOV to 30.
Something to keep in mind, and good reason to put thought behind where you place your vanishing points.

This is most evident on the front view, but if you compare the front plane on the on the second set of images you clearly see a difference, and it's also visible on the roundness of the skull on "our" side.

Painting I was working on for Halloween. Not done, but I always get halted by my lack of knowledge in certain areas.
Need to study more from real life.

Made her more scary looking. This is like, 2 and a half hours later?
I don't keep track of time properly. Gonna put this one to rest at the moment and maybe come back to it, struggling with painting.
Also, how dafuq does one do hair?

Made a small animation for fun in Krita, it syncs up to a lot of songs going around 120 bpm