Hi, nice to meet everyone! My name is Tayde, I'm 18 and I've been taking drawing seriously for about two years now. In that span of time I've lost motivation and dropped off a few times, but right now I'm trying to become more committed to really improve and I see this website as a great tool for that. I want to be proficient at drawing all things but right now my favorite things to draw are women. I want to eventually start making fantasy art but i feel like I have to get better with the fundamentals first. I'll be posting pages from my sketchbook here so please feel free to critique me, I need as much feedback as I can get!
Here are the rest of my links:


Real life drawing of my little sister

Some figure drawing

A close up of a drawing from a few days ago.

Please let me know what you think of them in the comments!

Keep it up. Nothing wrong with traditional. You don't need a wacom to make fantasy art. Look at Scott Fischer, or Vanessa Lemen, if you want some inspiration for fantasy females . Hell any other artist on everyday original.

Then you will need to know mainly 3 things.
Color Theory.

Those seem to encompass the majority of the fundamentals for all subjects. But acquiring them takes pages and pages. If you don't have inspiration try to copy an image you really love and do a 'master study' in pencil or whatever you choose.

Get some watercolors if you want to get into some traditional color, its cheap and the fundamentals still apply. Check out some of James Gurney, he does everything traditionally and is a Spectrum Grand Master, and one hell of a nice guy.

Your Work:
As far as your sketches are concerned, they look very gestural. Very fast. So if you are studying something, slow down a bit...to make your observational skills bump up.

But keep your same gestural looseness with your hand if that is what you prefer to do right now.

Get a small sketchbook and do female faces over and over and over again.

Thanks so much for the recommendations, all check out all of them! The truth is, I just ordered a wacom tablet from amazon because a friend of mine asked me to make a graphic for her website. It's my first freelance opportunity so I felt like I had to get a tablet to seem professional but now I'm not a hundred percent sure if that was the right decision, I know that I definitely enjoy drawing traditionally. (I'm actually looking for some advice about this whole fiasco so I went into more detail about it here: https://forums.cubebrush.co/t/i-think-im-about-to-get-my-first-freelance-opportunity-and-im-very-nervous/737 )

I do draw pretty fast because I heard that speed is important when you're practicing? It felt like if I wanted to become comfortable with drawing then I needed to get used to drawing quickly, but I guess that I lose out on focus and concentration when I do that.

Perspective, composition, color theory, these are things I definitely want to learn about but I'm not sure if it's the right time for me to do that? Right now I'm trying to get good at anatomy and construction, I feel like I have to stick with these things until I get better but I'm not sure.

Thank you so much for the advice! The next few drawings I post will probably still have some of the issues you brought up because I'm trying to post my daily sketches, but after that I'll definitely implement the stuff you've been talking about! I've actually seen you reply a few times on this site and I've seen your speed paints, you're really great! Do you have like an instagram or a tumblr I can follow you on?

Cool, I'm just about to hit reply to that other 'fiasco' right now.

"anatomy and construction"
That falls under perspective.

I have a twitch that I hop on at least twice a week and talk and paint and stuff. I am remaking my portfolio and I'm going to be doing all of it here.


Thank you so much! I'd love for you to link your stream so i can follow you (I tried googling your name but it didn't pop up,)

edit: nvm I found it lol

Great Job! You must be really confident in your work if you go straight to pen! I always fear that I will mess something up if I did that. Maybe I will give it a try

aww thanks! I've drawn with pen a whole lot so I've gotten pretty used to it, plus even when I draw with pencil I don't erase that much so it doesn't seem like that big of a difference to me