Hey Deanyosla, nice job so far! For that final assignment: the brush I used was the hard round brush from the basic set of photoshop brushes and then played a bit with the pressure tool, the tool that changes your brushsize when pressing harder and the flow. I hope that helps. Keep it up and good luck =). Looking forward to see more of your assignments.

Thank you Ardeey! If I do load basic brush presets I'll lose the ones I currently got? Because I've purchased some from here, there was a discount.

And for some reason it doesn't have the right settings enabled, no idea either which should I use. I'll rematch assignment video after work and give it another go.

Your welcome =). Well that depends. If you saved the brush presets you already have somewhere on your pc, you can just go back to those at whatever point in time. Alternatively, if you have not done that yet, you can also save them prior to using the basic brushes. I think it might also be possible to sort of 'add' the basic brushes to your existing brush presets. Good luck with it!

@Ardeey, thank you for the advice. I've overlooked but the basic brush pack, which I've gotten from this site, did include all of the brushes Marc had been talking about, well and a couple more. Also I'm using 2018 version of photoshop, brush/preset windows are a little different.

I've managed to work on the 1st assignment again, and got it through to completion. Though these exercises are kind of fun and I'll end up doing them from time to time anyway. Or will just vary different valuable exercises I know of.

Going to try 2nd assignment now. It seems fun.

14 days later

Your pen pressure control is really well done! You're clearly good at alternating weight on your pen, and it's great to see you practice line work more, I think I'll have to join that discord channel so I can try that myself!

Thank you @keko! Though for some reason bottom tips are lighter even though I'm pressing with nearly full force. Maybe some settings are haywire. I'd have to look em' up.

Hmm, I hope you can fix it!

2 months later

I was very hesitant to attempt these assignments, as I couldn't help but feel frustrated about the photo manipulation exercises. I didn't like them at all.

Yet, I had a chat with one guy on discord group and thanks to him I'll attempt to go through this art school, although it may take fairly longer than for other people.

I'll do a couple times pen control exercises, extended ones and figure drawing exercises. Will attempt to go through all of that in a week. Technically it's more than plausible, although I've got work as well which isn't related to any kind of art.

Just keep in mind that the photo manipulation stuff is aimed at teaching you some of the tools that you can use for digital art to speed up the processes.

If you don't like using those tools, just don't use em! Learn how to use them, do the assignments and gain the knowledge, but after that if you don't like it, don't worry about it!

And remember that the assignments from term one are all "Do it every day!" Assignments. The goal is to get better through repetition, if you can't do it every day, just do it as often as you can to see improvement.

Good luck! Look forward to seeing stuff!

Yeah just go for it! Nothing has to be perfect, something is better than nothing : ) I totally agree with you, some of the production assignments are a drag to me : p Don't let it stop you from continuing the course though, you can do it!

Yea, just to add some clarity. The photomanipulation aspect is to get you to learn how to place images into a picture that will be correct in perspective. This is a hugely important skill if you are going to Photobash,

This will also lead into Paintovers where you are given an image by another artist and well will have to make magic happen xD.

But yis yis mileage is mileage and More is More so Do more

No right no Wrong :smiley:


@peter-hartnett I understand that those tools are valuable, though at the moment they seem like liability rather than advantage. As I've got to have the knack of drawing & painting digitally. It'd be far more interesting to see those tools in actual painting demo.

Photo manipulation isn't something I'd do every day as a practice though, at the very least not yet. Other assignments sure can be done as a means to practice, no clue about perspective ones I haven't got to it yet. Thank you, I saw "art blog" section here and I wondered should I have my own thread up as the moment I saw those crispy artworks of other people my abilities aren't there yet.

@BemezmorizeD Thank you! :smile: It could be nice to see the tools he's mentioning in an actual painting as really manipulating photos wasn't my interest. I'll surely will go through every term, but balancing out work, my own drawing 'projects', and these assignments can be tricky.

@infintas Yes I get that, though even professionals stated that photobash isn't very useful for beginner artists as it may neglect the artistic development or in some ways hinder it.

Paintovers on the other hand might've been fun if done right and can look pretty convincing. Though my basic painting skills aren't good enough for even basic rendering of shapes.

Thank you man, I appreciate you encouraged me to get back to these assignments. :smiley:

Nothing fancy yet, just had a go with pen control yet again. Ellipses are pain. Though if I were to draw them freehand without relying on those boundaries they would be far easier to execute since I'd just ghost them before drawing.

Probably I'm going to move on to Figure assignments, the extended pen control is three times as long as original anyway.