Hey yo! just got the first term the last week but didn't have the time to do the assigments... i'll be posting my assignments whenever i can, feel free to leave your feedback, gonna be much appreciated.

The first assignment that i did was the pen control, in the connect the dots i implement myself a ''three lives'' system. if i go wrong more than three times im not allowed to redo again. for the circle part is somehow difficult because i use a regular tablet.

Then after that i jump out to gesture drawings. one is from day 1 and the other is from day 2, later im gonna be uploading the day 3 image... something that bother me is the hairy lines that i do, im gonna be trying to make them look more smooth for day 3

Those are some mighty fine lines you got there. I might have to try that 3 lives thing out myself.
For the gestures I would work toward getting the arms and legs in one line.
Nice work so far!

Thanks! the thing about the 3 lives thing is that you focus on make it almost perfect or then you are screwed xD

thanks for the tip about the gestures, ill be posting the day 4 later!

Being very busy with the University, but finally got some free time to do some homework

Everything looks good except that i mess up a little bit at the last part, nailed the colours but the lighting isn't right... but apart from that, i did a good job (in my opinion).

and here some gesture drawings!
First is 30 seconds and the other one is 1 minute

Hey good work keep it up. Gestures and figures is a mileage game for sure.
If you can try to work on fluidity with your line work. Something that really helped me that took me ages to digest is not to rush the pose to finish it in the time limit. Draw it clean and controlled with no pressure to finish the whole figure. With time you will get there.

Watch a pro draw the figure and they dont draw fast, its an illusion they achieve because each line is precise, clean and drawn once. Also I would recommend largely ignoring anatomical details until you are very comfortable with just the gesture. Keep going!