Nice work I don't think you have to block out genitals

Thank you, @sammy-gb. I didn't notice anything relating to that in the rules but just wanted to make sure.

yeh i saw tons of other term1 post without any censor blocks

Hiii, nice figure sketch! He doesn't seem too skinny to me, but the legs seem a bit flat, as if they're not very muscular. Muscles bulk out on guys' thighs compared to the pelvis. At the same time, his upper body looks muscular, so this might make the legs seem skinny by comparison. Here's a picture to illustrate what I mean, compare the shape of the legs to the pelvis and chest:

(English is not my first language, so hopefully this makes sense :))

Awesome stuff so far!

9 days later

Hi good work, I think those structure exercises with the loomis heads are working well, keep it up. As for the gestures, or rather line of action that you posted you seem to be on the right track.
The 3rd pose along on the top row, you appear to have followed the spine curvature instead of the line of action. At this stage try to keep it as simple as possible and just follow the sweeping curve of the body, basically no 'S' curves as you did with all the others.

Spine and center line is definitely something to think about and will come later.

1 month later

Great start.I just started with the course.Looking forward for your progress.