3 point perspective
This is what I initially started with

Not sure how to shade it and all.. should definetly crop it as well

posting it here so i could get Marc's feedback on his livestream.
(hte said that i need to work on values, atmospheric perspective, and fix these spirals so they align with my converging lines)

I've tried to fix all the issues Marc pointed out to me although im not entirely sure about it because my laptop screen is way too bright. Oh well.
That was also my first 3 point perspective piece that i managed to colour somehow :open_mouth:

In the Future I gonna account the fact that vanishing points should be further away from each other and I'll need to look more into the atmospheric perspective.

Hi awesome design! Perhaps something seems off because you have used a forced perspective with vanish points rather close to one another. In reality the right vanishing point would not be on the page but much futher out, and the vanishing point to the top of the would be further above creating lines that look slightly more parallel. These things can be adjusted with practise and experience, but I myself prefer the exaggerated perspective as it creates a fantastic effect. Futhermore the viewer of this piece is probably the size of a mouse due to the low camera angle so perhaps that may be making the shot seem a litte off. Overall I think the perspective is fine.

thank you so much for taking your time ang going over things! appreciate it.
I get what you wrote me. I'll try to play around with these perspective points and see how it will turn out :smile:

sweet good luck. If ya need help with anything else art related just ask :smile:

8 days later

Looking good, the shading is complicated given what you made at the entrance, keep at it!

And I believe that nostalgia got it right in saying that the viewer of this scene is just quite small, mouse like. I would also imagine that the mouse would be standing on top of a branch placing it a few feet off of the ground. With that in mind you might want to reconsider the layout of the grass near the base of the image to account for the placement of the viewer.

Again, looking good.

1 month later

Yeah, there's a lot to learn abour perspective I think how close the vanishing points are from one another translates on which camera lent it is used, I would like that Marc has covered that in the class.

That would definitely be nice. I found that having your vanishing point who are 2.5 or 3 times the distance of your canvas' size (like if your canvas is 8'' in lenght having your vanishing points being 20'' or 24'' apart) usually works well for a more natural look. But I'd definitely like to have a more in depth explantion on the subject.

By the way @echo_jk, I like your temple. THe design's is pretty cool :smile:

Thanks a lot!

Well, i think it's all about experimenting with the vanishing points using same design. And you will get better sense about perspective the more you practice it i suppose.
I'll do more perspective assignments in the future just to get a better sense of it.
But ye, im pretty proud of this piece anyway because i never ever in my life could draw an enviroment or a building 😱 haha

That's awesome to hear! I've just barely started ARTSchool, so hearing that makes me pretty excited to see how I'll improve :smile:

I really like the logo design too. Pretty cool stuff!

6 months later

I never uploaded this head assignment that i did back in September 2018.
so here it is

And I also tried to give it a go today to see if i still remember proportions and stuff.
I dont rly care about shading it in a beautiful way so it is sketchy ;>
necks look weird probably coz they seem too long haha