The Proding continues.

I am nutrition…

I am the chunky bits in the juice…

I am…

I might come back to the logo sometime in the future. I’ve put hours into trying different things and I’m still not thrilled with it. But for now, I’ll be moving on to perspective.

18 days later

A really fun thing happened during the Gate/Wall/Bridge exercise and my file was corrupted; it’s the weirdest thing too, after trying a lot of methods I could recover some layers, but the linework was lost forever, so if I hadn’t been doing some very rough and simple shadows I’d have absolutely nothing left. I was already thinking I would try a second one in the future because I wasn’t thrilled with what I was getting,
but after this I’d rather not think about it for a few days and work on other things.

I do realize this is a typical story at the end of the day. This is all I could recover from the file and the body in 4-point perspective exercise.

On point with 4th pt perspective figures and the clothing parts of it too.

those look awsome are those gradients on the ears or did you paint them in color?

So heres the thing. Youre already working on head anatomy anyway. The way anatomy is set up is really go ahead and get term 3 now. In it before you get to the clothed portion of the figure you have to do the head and upper body anyway. Then with term 4, same thing because thats anatomy too. I do anatomy through out the week. Then zbrush and other main photoshop this weekend. The transition is that smooth for real.

@thebluepacghost Thanks! They are greyscales with an overlay on top. Tried it in a previous exercise and its pretty effective for something so simple.

@ristarsonata I do have term 3 and I have watched the videos in pieces to get a feel for where they are coming from and how I’ll be tackling them when I get there. I just feel that if I started branching off into different lessons, related as they may be, I could easily get tunnelvisioned into focusing on one more than the other – it’s just a thing that happens to me a lot. I do break the monotony by spending some of my drawing time on free sketching and doodling – which I feel is just as important as the theory we are learning – and while it may have sounded as a complaint, I’m actually enjoying my time with anatomy, so I’m in no real rush. That said, if I do get a good idea I may just go for it and give it a try, just won’t post it until I can make an honest attempt. :stuck_out_tongue:

well, your drawing looks like pro-drawings. very nice. keep it up.

your ear drawing is looking good :heart_eyes: only one of the ear's is bothering me... the second one in colour looks like the the anti-helix is in front of the helix?

Love the connected shapes! For the figures the shoulders look too wide for 4-point perspective, they don't look like they're bending to meet the point at the top.
Aside from that your ear studies below look awesome!

2 months later

@gramaton Thanks a bunch, man! That made my day.

@retro_latte Heeeeeey… that’s exactly what it looks like. I have no idea what I was seeing at the time to think that looked okay XD. Thanks for pointing it out.

@BemezmorizeD Thanks! I think I see what you mean? The male one in particular seems too broad on second view. Tried to readjust them a bit.

4 months later