Here is my color palette assignment! I made polls on Instagram and these are the results. The lineart is by Scarletmcd from DeviantArt. No shame.

Most popular :

The winners ended up being a triad and a compound. They ended up being different from my personal favorites : / Either way I had a lot of fun with this!

This is part of the anatomy assignment. I need to hurry up and get proper internet so I don't have to go to Starbucks or an internet cafe to stream or download videos :joy: I still need to look at the hand segment, lower body and then production. After that I can focus more on shadows :expressionless:
Let me know if anything looks off!

Great work! Regarding the yellow ball I think it's good. Shadow of balls look sometimes weird, but are still right lol. Well, that's what I think. As to the anatomy diagrams I think the chest goes to low. The nipples usually are 2 heads down and the pecs don't go TOO far down bellow the nipples anymore. The shoulders are to broad I'd say. they usually fit in 3 heads (idealiyed), but here it's more like 4.

You're improving overall I see, keep at it! :smile:

YES! That's exactly what I needed! :pray: I totally didn't think about proportions when I did this but I had trouble with the pecks and they seemed wide at the top. I can't believe I didn't think about proportions. Thank you!

18 days later

8 days later

The arms confused me, so I made a chart to help me map out the different parts better. When I first took notes I didn't pay enough attention to the ellipses and I got confused when I went to draw them on my own. Even the tracing exercise was difficult. Doing this chart really helped me put everything together. Now all that's left is to practice! anddolegs :disappointed_relieved: