I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said, so I'll be looking to see more of your awesome work!

16 days later

Great updates! :heart_eyes:

What are the little circles in the eyes of the elf with the blue black light?

Nice! I really love the faces you paint. They look gorgeous.

10 days later

Really great stuff.

Do you mind posting some wip or process? I would love see more.


Quick question for these new and older sketches of yours, did you use a reference or were they from your imagination? Really interesting characters here. Hopefully you can push one of these sketches of yours to a full polish state.

@malcom These are mostly sketches I do at lunch time to sort of mindlessly draw and not worry too much about being correct. So I tend to not have any reference (which is why you'll notice the designs tend to be really loose, and somewhat random) Kinda just drawing on autopilot.

Here's some more stuff from this week.

Sup, you beautiful hunk? Just poppin' in to say hi and tell you to keep doing what you're doing. But don't be afraid to shake it up!

Interesting. Well there still pretty cool to me. Keep up the good work.

awesome stuff man!! you seem to be comfortabel with anatomy and different poses, do you attend many life drawing classes or what helped you get that confidence?

Hey Paulo, agh don't know how comfortable I'd say I am but I did do a lot of figure drawing in college, and over the years. What did help the most was figure sculpture. I did a life size figure and several smaller figures, understanding the body in 3D will help leaps and bounds in constructing a body from the imagination. The rest is all just remembering proportions and perspective as well as what sort of detail is ok to leave out. Essentially, think big shapes first and think in 3D, it'll be a big help.

Here're some more sketches from the past couple of days.

Dang! Another badass update!

Time to cry lol.

That makes sense thanks for the response. Just curious did you model traditionally or digital? I got some clay but man its hard to control haha.