That last one is me trying to emulate Nurzhan Bekkaliev. If you haven't seen his art, definitely check it out! As far as patterns I'll totally be looking into designs towards the finish

Ah ok. So I just saw Nurzhan Bekkaliev art. Interesting stuff. Nice use of shapes.

Love your stuff! More! :smile:

Great stuff man! Love how you compose characters inside the frame. Do you have any "full render" pieces? :smile:

Looking good. I like the use of multiple/overlay/color layers to get a richer color out of the grayscale pieces. Any plan on pushing these to finish or is this strictly study work? I think your earliest posts have a lot of potential.

10 days later

Absolutely incredible! And to think these are sketches :blush:

I really like the lighting ^^ nice character design too :smile: