Hey guys,

so i thought it would be interesting to start an Artblog or something in this direction to share the stuff I made. The reason for this is to have something to document my progress over the time and get in touch with other people who share the same love as me. ( you know which love I am talking about!!)

So feel free to drop your opinion in here.
And now let's get it started.

There are 59 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

Here is a lineart i did today for a project i started. I am not sure how far i will take it, but until this point i have much fun with it :stuck_out_tongue:

what do you guys think?

Looking cool so far. Keep up the good work and welcome to CB

Ah man I know the feeling.

yeah its really annoying ... but if something like this happens i directly start to do studies for a longer time so i get away from it and maybe find the motivation to finish it or start a new one :smiley:

14 days later

1 month later

i need some help guys :stuck_out_tongue:
i started this piece and atm i try to get the right values and compostition done but the overall atmosphere feels kinda wrong and now i have no idea how to improve it from this point on.
anyone has some advice .. :D?

some tips :
- no stars, city lights oppress them
- colorful lights, city lights are never white
- if you don't have secondary light source, the shadows should be extremely dark ( I put some glowing circuit there to fill the empty parts with interesting details)
- bounce light from the face should paint reflection on the window ( my example is not accurate, I just copied the face, you should draw a mirrored version lit up by light)

I hope this helps, dont be afraid of using dark values, and get references for everythig :smile:

thank you sooo much :stuck_out_tongue:
your version looks already way better.
i will use your tips and see where they will get me.

i worked a little bit on it and it looks way better now !
only thing thats left is the relfection on the window, but i will do this inthe end i think.
again thank you very much :P

good idea to blur the background, so the char gets more focus.... you should define more hard edges for the highlights, to keep the shape clear (light > hard edges, shadow > soft edges) ... keep on with it

thanks i will keep that in mind for the next steps.
refined the lineart, because i dont like it to paint without strict guidelines (maybe because i am not good in it :stuck_out_tongue: )
