Hello everyone, first time poster here. I have been working on a character design from a world I created (originally for D&D, thinking about making it a game in the Unity engine, however this is unimportant). I just want to share a few of the images of my progress, my though process behind them and maybe get some feedback from you!
I started with a base body. Tried to get a little personality for this character, who is a bit of a hard-ass, serious to a fault, and actually begins in the story as a villain. I needed her to be muscular since she wears full plate armor and I wanted a body that felt "real" under that armor.
Next I started looking into her hair. Biggest thing I had to keep in mind was that her hair HAD to fit under a helmet. That means no big hair on the top, no messy buns, etc. Since this is eventually going to be a Game-Ready character I wanted to make sure that if I did go with a "loose" hair, it could function properly in engine. In the end, I decided that #7 was my best option, had some regality to it, still made her feel elven but could easily fit into a helmet, and for animation/ rigging the one long braid wouldn't be too much of a pain.
Now I am onto the armor concept stage. I am doing little more than thumbnails to get an idea of what I want the shape of the armor to be. I also had to move the characters arms so I could properly see all parts of the armor. Now, the colours aren't final in any way, just using them to get some contrast (one of the people I regularly ask for feedback is colour blind so I try to make sure it's broken down in a simple way in this stage).
These were a couple quick ideas, I plan on thumbing up another 3 or 4 before I start on my final version of the armor.
That all said, I would love to know what anyone of you think, if you have any ideas for cool shapes for armor, another hairstyle you think might work really well, anything! Feedback is how we grow.
Thank you for your time.
I'll try to keep this updated as I continue the process.