12 days later

Another set of sketches as well as my first ever commission. I've also started being active on Instagram and other SNS.

Daily sketches

A request from somebody on reddit

A sketch of young Bulma I did about a week ago which I then colored yesterday

2 years later

reviving this art blog with some studies. really want to be more consistent with posting here this time around.

8 days later

trying out new brushes

1 month later

fan art of a character in a game that i've been playing for some time now. lots of things i want to change but overall am pleased with how this turned out.

something of a work in progress..

the color of her shirt is kinda off (monitor is showing a vastly different color from my display tablet). thankfully, it is relatively easy to change.

could be better. been working on this on and off since april. illustration of a fanart concept for a mobile game that i'm currently playing.

1 month later

I like your style with that fine and clean linework. It looks very nice!

1 month later

hey, apologies for the late reply. glad you liked the linework. still having a hard time using Clip Studio paint's G-Pen for linework so it's good to know someone thinks it's at least clean :smile:

a couple of pieces i did for an art contest

the initial piece i wanted to submit. while i liked the background, i found a lot of issues with the pose, composition, and lots of things.

the final entry. not the best and it actually took a while but i really enjoyed doing this and i actually learned lots.

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