Ah, I see. Thanks for clarification. I rewatched this part of the class and tried the assignment again with the same models. This time a bit more by feeling. I think I focused a bit too much on the explanation the first time. Here are some examples that are a bit different to the ones before. Most of the others just extended in comparison to before.

Is this more into the direction it should go?

these look a lot better than last time, but the fourth to last one you can break that line of action down into one smooth line instead of two, great work!

Okay, I think I see what you mean. I wasn't sure with the ones where I added a second line, but comparing with the top ones I can see the difference. Thanks. :smile:

1 month later

It's been a while since my last post. I tried to get daily practices done with varying results. :smile: But most days I got at least half an hour to an hour to do some daily art practices.

I just started with the skeleton-cylinder drawing and wanted to share my first two attempts and ask for feedback. I still struggle with clear lines and getting the cylinders exactly as I want, but I hope the direction is right? Most of my "cylinders" are more like a truncated cones. Is that a valid option or should I focus on making cylinders with matching size on both ends?

Nice work so far! One thing Marc frequently suggests when drawing cylinders on a figure is to increase the amount of curvature lines on each cylinder to better see the volumes and to pay special attention of the angle of the curve. This was very hard for me at first and my lines were so bad. I did the pen control exercise every day for a month and saw huge gains on my lines. Working curves / ellipses on the cylinders over and over again helps a lot. I know it can be boring to sit and draw the same curves over and over again but it is totally worth the effort. In terms of the truncated cylinders I don't have a good answer, many of mine are the same way and I am also new. Keep up the great work!

You are on the right path but I do encourage you to use different colour to separate key body parts (e.g. orange for arm, blue for body). I too am a programmer so this is a totally new challenges but it's very interesting and can complement your approach to programming too (art makes me think even slower which massively improves on my programming skill).

If you need any help/reference on progress on nude figure drawing, have a look at my blog - https://forums.cubebrush.co/t/gordon-art-school-journey/10726/11. Not perfect but it gives you a good idea on what to expect.

Thanks for the feedback. I started with the cylinders just a couple of days ago, but I will keep it up and follow the daily practice for now, where you draw a page full of cylinders every day.
And that's a good point with the colors to distinguish between the body parts. I used different layers, but I will introduce colors too. I checked your blog and I'm looking forward in getting there, too.
Thanks for the feedback.

28 days later

I still have very little time, but I'm still on it. Here are some more of the cylinder-drawings I made in the meantime and my first attempt of the proportion drawing I finished today. As always feedback is very appreciated. :smile:

Nice work! Don't be afraid to draw more of the contour lines one the cylinders to show the volume, it is a useful skill that will come in handy later! Trust me! I am fighting a giant cylinder right now. Keep it up!