Welcome Timothy!
Cool weapons design! Knight looks nice too

Welcome! I also like those weapons.

eyyy welcome to the forums! i really like your art style! it kind of reminds me of Epic Battle Fantasy :smiley:

Appreciate all the welcomes so far! Here's my progress on the earlier assignments and dailies from term 1 so far; engaging with pen pressure, editing in Photoshop, and practicing making cylinders digitally.

Alright here's some more attempts on the daily pen pressure practice I've been doing in the mornings. I also done the practice exercises in my sketchbook over the past few days as well, aiming to practice drawing cylinders, cubes, and line control. I also tried doing figure drawings of people I find on Pinterest, as well as drawing some characters to see how my process would go after getting into the exercises again o/

I see your 3D shape keep getting better, keep it up :+1: