I think I will deviate from the deep sea theme here and go with the crystals
Rough sketch for positions and overall composition of my crystal weredragon (don't make him angry)
I have to admit, that I'm somewhat stealing from another artist. This art has been my inspiration for many years and I always wanted to do my own spin on the idea. Let me know your thoughts/ideas/critiques.
I think we're doing good progress guys!
Hello guys! Here's my progress so far on the challenge. As you can see I take lil bit of a twist regarding her "Tail" in which instead of it just glows, it now also take shape depending on her prey. I also tried fixing the said problem earlier so I would love to get some feedback regarding the anatomy on her shoulders.
"Greed make mans blind and foolish, and make him easy prey for death."
Not sure whether this will help or not but personally I think breaking symmetry by adding some crystals throughout his body will sort of balance the piece, especially together with the crystal dragon. o-o This could probably help you point the eye of the viewer to the character first before the dragon.
Oh hello there. Oh wait...Marc said that I shouldn't flirt with others characters!
Crystal theme! Love it. Can't wait what you'll do with these guys. Will the dragon be translucent, too?
I have to work kinda the whole day today. But I'm gonna do some studies in the evening and try to work on my challenge a bit, too. And I still need to prepare something for the LiveStream as well.
First off it looks really awesome and I love the idea that she can shape her tail into differents forms.
I think the deltoids of her tail (wow, that sounds weird XD) are a bit too flat and the different sections of the abs are kinda the same size in your image, whereas in reality they differ in size.
The deltoids on the main character look okay to me. Maybe the trapezius would reach up a bit higher towards her head.
Hope it helps and makes sense. ^^
Ahahaha! @IndrawnArt the goal is to make him very flirt-worthy. Too many pretty girls in the stream already And yes, the dragon should be full translucent, the guy—only partially where transformation starts.
Looking forward to see where you go with your sea creature.
Guys what a progress @WeirdOwl I was waiting something not sea related, you made me proud of you hahahah that's a great idea!! Also a man, finally HAHAHAH we want him super sexy please
And @ivancatamora15 great ideas!!! I love the idea for the face, super creative!
Guys this will be a great challenge
As @chiara.arcidiaco said it already, I want to say it as well....make him super sexy!!! Wohoooo!!!!!
Hello friends
I'm new here but I'd love to join if it's okay!
It's not super original, but reading @WeirdOwl 's description made me really want to draw a jellyfish character!
Here's my brainstorming so far...
I'm having trouble trying to figure out how overlaps of body parts work in a translucent character... Where do they end? How do you shade? Hmm...
Welcome to the challenge @chrihoonart! The more, the merrier.
Jellyfish would be super cute! I like your sketch at the top right corner. As for shading, you can go anywhere from light translucency (only edges shine some light through) to almost complete transparency. Up to you.
Shading will be tough for all of us, I don't think anyone here tried translucent characters before, that's why we came up with the challenge.
Here are the few things that could be used as helpers:
1. Art School class on Physics of Materials (Term 7, class 1)
2. References of the creatures to be mimicked. I will be using this step-by-step for crystals by @art_side_of_life (taken from Instagram):
Here's a good example of a jellyfish character from Art Station: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ybL00K
I also like the simplicity, and high quality of this one: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3LEzJ
3. If I can get my willpower together and dive into Zbrush more, I'm thinking of using modelling there as a reference for the final painting. Here's a tutorial on how to make separate subtools transparent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF3MFblYETM
Good job and lets make this challenge awesome everyone!
@WeirdOwl I'm looking forward to see your crystals!! Now I think that you're having a super good idea, so different from the others. For that I'm really excited about this haha
And @chrihoonart your jellyfish character is so inspiring!! Waiting forward to see how it turns out
Wanted to post also something that I was doing in these days
Before I was brainstorming to get some elements from the references that I found but I was not conviced at all. Then I wanted something more like an illustration, so I've done another thumbnail I think that until the end of the challenge I could change idea again hahah
What do you think? Now the challenge is to find out a good reference for this pose also for the throne haha
Also the little guys needs to seem floating instead walking on the stairs haha
But in this project I don't want to rush, just step by step and have fun with this
Ohh! I really like the throne thumbnail! Very powerful look! You are right though, if it's all underwater, there's no walking or stairs (unless it's a sunken temple). I have so many thoughts coursing through my head for this setup... You could make the visitors other sea creatures or humans with diving gear... Very good idea!
I like the sitting pose you gave your sea lady. Much more interesting than sitting up straight.