Hey you have a lot of pretty nice work here!
I'd say don't be afraid to try to clean up and really push/refine your paintings. They have a pretty nice quality to them but really look unfinished, here are a couple of links to other artist that you might be able to learn from their work. Aaron Griffin Art has a bunch of great process/behind the scenes/tutorial paintings that are great to see how one might go from a super rough painting to a more refined one and Brandion Liao's older work has a rough quality to it that I think you might like. I hope this helps and look forward to more of your artwork!! ^__^
@zanben Yes Aaron is a huge inspiration of mine, love his works to bits. (also know Brandion)
It is very hard for me to go further than this, blending is something I am struggling with constantly. Either it turns out blurred or unfinished, and I choose to stop at half finished, before everything goes into the "overworked" category just to be safe... ^^" I guess its a bad habbit that I should work on...
I really wanted to make an underlit, menacing tone. The character is stern, and unapologetic, so I tried to showchase just that. Originaly I made the whole picture in black and white to get the values to work, and apllied color in around the middle of the workthrough. But it still felt monochromatic with all the blue tones, and not very interesting to look at. So I decided to mess around whit some colorisation on the face, as this was my focalpoint. I wanted to frame it to make it stand out more, so I put on a glass helmet, this way the face wouldn't get covered. I looked at a lot of helmets, and glass object and found that sometimes the light or the camera (I'm not sure which) changes the colours or obscures them on the endges. This gave me the idea to mess around with the channels. Then to pull the attention away from the outter circle, I decrased the saturation, and brightness a bit on the top, and made it glow more where it met with shoulder piece. That little yellowish part was just a happy accident when my photoshop glitched out, and I kept it because it looked interresting to me.
Hope this answers the question Thank you for the comment!
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