I think you did calculations on the far right correct. These just look weird at certain angles without ears or neck (try drawing an actual head floating without a neck—gives you a very uneasy feeling). As for critique, I think you're making the face section a bit too narrow. Especially visible with the one of the front view. Some people are like that, but majority will have wider cheekbones overall.

Thank you very much for your criticism :blush: Yes, you are right, that will be due to the missing elements on the head.
Yes, the face looks really too narrow. I'm trying to improve that :muscle:
Hope you would look over there again, I think with you they have found a critical but also a fair draftsman.

14 days later

Hi everybody🙌
After a long time I post small studies again. I'm really ashamed because people like chiara, Weird Owl or Ivan are really hard-working here and I'm so dumb with with my stuff afterwards.😫😔😰

Today, the eyes were more in place of the ears. I tried to represent different emotions instead of individual eyes. Men as well as women. The last pair of eyes in the men section should look more Asian but I have the feeling that I didn't get it really well. Unfortunately, I don't know how I could do better. Could someone give me some advice or show me how to do it better?

Pfft, I'm posting constantly because I have nothing better to do. #UnemploymentLife :joy:
As for male Asian eyes, the distinctive trait is the overlapping eyelid and a rounder curve in the corner of the eye. Also, their eyebrows are more straight than for European males. Here's a pretty distinct example.

Oh I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you do something meaningful in your free time, many don't do anything when they don't have a job.😤
Unfortunately, I always have too much to do and I only do my job because I can't get a job in my learned profession. I still admire that you are working hard and continue to improve you😊.

Ok.... yes, I wasn't so aware of that with the eyebrows... ey why haven't I noticed that yet!? xD Thank you! The eyelid is honestly my problem, if I try to represent that then it looks like in the picture of my... I'm too stupid to portray it, but I really don't know why🤔😅
Then probably one of my goals will soon be to put more focus on Asian eyes.
Thank you for your advice🙇‍♀️

No problem! Honestly, you guys are keeping me sane.
And good job on portraying the eye expressions (I forgot to say that in the last post). I'm really digging the study.

Hi companions,
Today I dealt with the lips Anatomy. Unfortunately, fewer drawings came out than I wanted. Although I haven't watched a render lesson from Marc yet, I still dared to draw it.
Anyway, it was fun😅
Maybe I'll start to render a drawing here or there soon.
Whenever someone has advice or criticism, please always get out with it.

That's nice to hear.
No problem I forget to write in posts more often.
Sometimes I edit my post but most of the time I don't write it, because I don't want to get on the nerves of the people or I want to present myself as a wiseacres🤓

Let's agree on this: you can critique me as much as you want. If I feel like I disagree with you on something, I will let you know with no offense taken. :wink:

As for your lips study, I think you're definitely thinking in the right direction. Expressions and volumes read very well. The rendered ones look very believable. At this point I would only recommend looking closer at how the corners of the mouth work. Most lips don't exactly overlap. It's better to use lips without lipstick for reference at first.

Okay then I know😁
Finding lips without lipstick on the Internet with good resolution isn't that easy.
If everything doesn't help, then family and friends are my victims😈
Then I will continue to try the lips anatomy.
I'm glad you liked my render artwork and that it has become out believable😊

1 month later

I completely forgot to write to the pictures that it was 30 seconds drawings.
I tried the following drawings according to the same principle.
This was once a very nice change for me to get loose in the face anatomy.
I can recommend everyone to get better in drawing faces with a simple 30-60 second warmup :relaxed:

5 months later

Hi guys,
nice to be here again!
Can not believe that I have done nothing more here for 5 months 😢
Unfortunately, some unpleasant things have happened to me in the time that have made it impossible to continue to work on my skills. But I hope that you have done well in all this time and you could improve and maybe even reach one or the other goal.
Anyway, I'm trying to come back here with positive intentions and not to let myself get down again.
Here's to many cool pictures and good reviews!💖

Thank you very much Handro :relaxed:
Really? I haven't seen Jojo yet, but I thought I'd check it out when the time came. I've only heard negative or positive things about the anime, so I'm still undecided.

yeah the fandom is crazy for it and the normal people don't want to go near it. I just put on a video and got hooked. weird show though. (some might say bizzare … sorry)

You don't need to apologize for anything. Thank you for even leaving a comment on my painting ^^

10 days later

Nice, i like the 1800's aesthetic with the stash.