Hey @WeirdOwl, great stuff so far. Seeing all your stuff has me curious. is this an original Idea? I know you said its on its way to becoming a Kickstarter next year but I've never heard of this world if it has been around. Regardless this is some cool stuff.

One more question, how long have you been working on the project? like when did you fully decided to focus on creating assets or art for this project? Just curious since this seems well thought out. :smile:

Hi @HANDRO thank you for your kind words and great questions.

  1. The game itself (mechanics, rules, categories) is being developed by another person. The game designer approached me in April to get some art done for his project. He didn't have anything at that point and just voiced his only 2 desires: the game has to have Ancient Rome and Steampunk styles incorporated into it.
    So during the negotiations I kind of became the art director developing the overall look, feel and style for the whole thing, I started with the card designs, then some illustrations, logo and cover were done last.
    The game designer started a weekly podcast on how to design your own games where he does talk about this game, it's rules and development as well if you're interested https://www.facebook.com/gamestormedu

  2. Like I mentioned before, I started this in April (although I don't work on it full-time) and have been chipping away at it slowly. My background is graphic design and I was a project manager for awhile, so I did come into this with some knowledge of how to approach large projects.

That being said, I do have to mention that for projects like this there's a lot of boring work that is not related to illustration: setup, project planning, timelines, testing, presentation assembly. Hope that helps.

18 days later

Damn, Viktoria!
Thats an awesome final project you are presenting here :smile:
As a big fan of (trading) card games (and obviously the art that comes along with it), your project really inspires me! It has such a professional feel to it, as if I could go to my local game store and just pick it up from the shelf. :smile:
I am really excited to see how far you'll go with it! :smiley:
Thank you for sharing all this inspiring content!

Thank you @mau.wamp! That is the goal actually, to get it in the game stores. The game will be playable and should hit kickstarter somewhere next year. 136 cards, playmats, instructions and all. Currently the developer is accepting beta-testers (in case you're interested) :grin: https://gamestormedu.com/gamestormers/

These are amazing! I can't wait to see the whole finished project! Wish you a lot of luck! :smiley:

These are SOOOOOO COOL!!!
Amazing work so far Viktoriya! Congrats! How much time investiment per week are you putting into this?

26 days later

Colonize Mars Environment Design

Spaceship Prop Design

Discover a Cure Prop Design

Spider Prop Design

Wow, wow, wow! Four more awesome pieces!
You went all out with that "little" prop :smile: I love the spaceship design and the composition on the Mech-Spider is really cool! Keep those awesome cards coming! :smile::smiley:

Thank you! Those two gave my brain a sprain. Trying to combine elements for the ship and still make it look functional, then designing a spider in horror category without actually making him look scary was a test for my sanity.
I really appreciate you liking them.

ok, alright, thats fine, ok... :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

really though the designs are so good. really like the aesthetic.

:green_heart: thank you Handro!
Yeah, yeah, I'll do better next time. I hope :sweat_smile:

Yes! The epic final project of an equally epic artist. It's crazy how far you've came in term of your art. And it's not like you were even bad in the first place, but the progress is impressive nonetheless. It's amazing and quite inspiring honestly. Im sure you have great things in front of you for your future as a artist :smile: :+1:

Thank you Cedric for always giving me encouragement to keep going forward.
I really appreciate you.

These are soooooo amazing!!!!
Congrats (again) Viktoriya for such an awesome job. The mech spider is one of my favorites so far. Looking forward to see what else you'll come up with!

Thank you! The more I do these, the more I realize what topics I like to do more, which ones I struggle with and how to approach illustrations in a more efficient manner. Starting to see a reason behind having a final project like that.

New set of cards after Marc's feedback.

Irina the Innovator Character Design

Sword Prop Design

Design a World Wonder Environment Design

1 month later

Another batch of cards!

Mysterious Planet Environment Design

Cy the Composer Character Design

Compass Prop Design

Assassin Character Design

Fire Lasers Story Art

Grappling Hook Prop Design

Warrior Character Design