Yo! Finally after a very long time filled with school, work - and mostly procrastination on my part lol - I've finally pushed myself to sit down and get going with the Art School! It is very exciting and I'm looking forward to progressing not only with art, but in the form of digitally as well!

Art has always been a hobby/passion of mine since young, and I would mainly do things like sketch whatever (mostly things like anime, pokรฉmon, etc), but once I hit middle/highschool it started to slip away from me, so I haven't actually done of lot of art in my life. But I've never wanted to give up on it, and so here we are! I'm glad for Art School (and Marc) because of the fact that elements like the fundamentals are taught, which I can already tell will be so imporatant.

I want to learn art to have fun with drawing many things, but also, ultimately the goal is to learn so that I can draw my original characters, worlds, and more from my story ideas (I like to do fiction writing and want to become an author).

So fellow artist pals, let us be off and become amazing together!

Welcome aboard, looking forward to your world building.

I have decided that for now, these are the only parts of the Image Adjustments assignment that I'm taking on. The second image for the Curves and the all in one combination at the end, I uh, yeah no lmao. I'm giving up on those for now. Also gonna bypass the merging and liquify stuff too (I don't feel too bad about that though since I'm doing other Photoshop learning anyway in other ways through other online learning).

Really really proud of myself with the work I did here in Hue/Saturation! I was super duper close with all of them. By that I mean that for the majority, I was spot on in terms of the Hue, Saturation, and/or Brightness value. And even for those where I wasn't exact for any, was still very close, being off by a few digits or so. So, that made me feel quite good!

This two I was like so on the nose, at least that's what it looks like to me. I think mine is just a tiny bit darker in some areas still (like the mountain in the back for example, if you look really close), but still felt really good!

As you can see by the text lol, I almost gave up on this one too (for now), but eventually got it to a poitnt where I was like, "Alright, this is fine enough for me, if I keep going I'm just going to drive myself crazy," and this was already after taking like a day or two break away from it when trying my first attempt. Opposite to the Curves above, mine is more brighter or like vibrant (popping with more color?) than the original (if you look at the lemon in the top left you can tell), but oh well. Still turned out pretty nice though, ya know?

All in all (again) I'm mainly wanting to bypass the Photoshop stuff (since I'm learning from other online sources) and am really trying to get into actually drawing. So off I go to Nude Figure Drawing and Gestures!

Here goes my first attempt with the beginning assignments regarding the Figure Drawing! I first started out with random cylinders, and then went straight ahead into drawing limbs, action lines, and so forth over reference images (used free ones from Rachel Bradley pinned in the discord). Drawing the cylinder limbs was honestly a lot of fun and I think they came out well for first try. Struggled with placing the head, torse/ribs, and waist circles, but can only go up from here, yea?

Below are three sets of the figure drawings: the ones over it, them on their own (references hidden), and then side-by-side sorta.

Would love any input, thoughts, and/or critique if you notice anything or want to point stuff out to help!

2 months later

Been a while since I posted to here haha. School and work really took my time away, so I basically didn't get around to much art studies/art school work throughout the month of February, but I'm on Spring Break as of writing this and have had time to really dedicate getting back into the swing of things! I've got three new things to share that I started back in January and just recently finished up. As always, would love any input/thoughts/feedback/critique!

Top 10 Drawing Exercises (from the weekly constructed schedule; term one week three). I had first started this back in January, then when I got to the Color Blending, I had so much fun with it that I took a break/pause from the exercises overall and went and did a bunch more of the color blending on its own lol. It was then, with the beginning of this month (March 2024), that I returned and finally finished up the bottom row:

Color Blending Exercise (as part of the ten from above). Like I said, really had fun just blending, so did a bunch more to try. These I actually got done back at the beginning of February, so at least there was something that I accomplished that month:

Drawing The Female Body (from Marc's video named the same and is pinned in the Term 1 discord). Even though I'm just starting out, and of course they're not the greatest, I"m really proud of my beginner's point. It's not like I have much reference to show this, but looking at this makes me feel like I've gained so much in what I've learned in these past two months of starting art school as opposed to anything in my life that I've done art wise, ya know? Like it feels like I'm truly gonna be on the path of wonderful improvement thanks to the teachings of the fundamentals and most importantly the set up structure that Marc has provided, and that makes me excited for the future of my art progress: