Welcome to the forums! Here @ Cubebrush we're all about helping push the art community forward so settle in, say hi and let's continue making this the best home for all artists, designers, developers and anyone in-between.
Before posting anything, make sure to read our Community Guidelines carefully.
Here are some important things you should know about the Cubebrush Forum. Also, remember the moderators are here for you so feel free to message them if you have any questions.
Need Help?
We're always happy to help, but please value our time and make an effort to help yourself before messaging us. The search feature in the forum menu is a great place to start, since there might already be answers to your questions somewhere on the forums.
You should also consider performing a search before posting a new topic if you think there is a good chance someone should have already made such a post - for example there may be a new art package, plugin, game or film just released that you want to announce.
Give Insightful Feedback
Cubebrush thrives on constructive criticism. It's one of the defining attributes of our members. If you like someones artwork then take the time to explain why rather than cluttering a thread with random words like "Nice" or "Cool".
Similarly, if you don't like the artwork then be polite enough to offer advice on how it could be improved. And with that said...
Make Your Artwork Easy to View
Please be considerate of our viewers on mobile. Also, the longer people have to wait for your images to load, the less likely your work is going to be seen.
If your images are more than 1MB each, they're too big.
Downsize your images to 1600 or less before attaching or embedding.
JPG compression level 8 is a good tradeoff in size vs. quality.
PNG format often makes very large image files. PNG works well if the image is mostly large areas of flat color. Saving a JPG at level 8 converts a 8MB PNG down to a 128kb JPG, and looks virtually identical.
It's also a good idea to brand your images, so people who download or share your images can find you later. For more info see Your Portfolio Repels Jobs and the wiki Portfolio page.
We don't use BBCode tags here, like [IMG]. Just use the Attach Image/File button and paste the full image URL (starting with http and ending with jpg or gif or png).
Cubebrush Does Not Condone Software Piracy
Cubebrush does not condone piracy nor do we allow links to pirated games or software. We understand the piracy discussion, however Cubebrush will not be used as a platform for speaking out in favor of piracy, thus threads centering around piracy may be removed/deleted. If you are linking directly to the source for illegal copies of software you will be permanently banned without further warnings.
The Cubebrush Forum is Not Your "blog"
What we mean by this, is please don't create mindless threads that is off-topic to the Cubebrush Community.
If you have a topic of reasonable discussion to post, then by all means, please post away and let the intelligent discussion begin. However, we do not want to see random posts of "I ate cookies today" or "My car is blue", etc. etc. Even within the General Discussions forum, there is no place on Cubebrush for such threads. They provide no topic for discussion and are generally useless and become filled with useless replies.
"More art, less words" is a good mantra to go by when considering yourself a contributing member of the Cubebrush community.
We generally hand out Warning Infractions for such threads, so please think about what it is you'd like to post, and how it will benefit a community of game developers, artists and designers.