Hey guys,
I've made this werewolf in ZBrush and after that I added some details in Photoshop.
What do you think about it? Please leave a critique! I really need to hear some opinions :smile:
Have a great day! Much love! <3

The ears, nose, muzzle, and eye sockets are all awesome. As is the fade of the hair towards the center of the brow.

The short hair is a bit odd to see on a werewolf, but it is very nice to look at and not an unreasonable choice. Reminds me of the hair of a breed like a Boston terrier, or perhaps a bear.

The resolution of the mouth seems to be at odds with the very crisp lines that you see elsewhere in the image, it could probably use some sharpening.

The area behind the teeth, what we would call the jowls on a person, do not give off a canine feeling, that combined with the hair reminds me much more of a werebear. And actually as I look at some images of black bears roaring, the likeliness increases. This is not a bad thing, just something that I have noticed. The more I study your image the more I think would make a fantastic werebear with the ears turned towards us slightly. Again those ears are awesome.

Great image again.

Hey Peter,
Thank you so much for the feedback! Your feedbacks are always great. Nice to hear from you. Yeah, I see what you are saying. I was looking for a big, bulked shape for this guy. When I look at what you said, yo are right, it takes you to the bear side xD But this is what I was looking for, a big shape, not the skinny wolf kind. The idea with turning it into a wolf, is not bad. I think I would try that :smiley: and the mouth, I left it this way, not so sharp, because it took a lot from the focus on the face (eyes especially).
Thank you for the compliments! I'm really glad you like it!

Awesome, going for a nontraditional werewolf is very reasonable, you nailed the bulky concept. Glad to be of help.