
recently I decided in my spare time to try learn anatomy but I don't know where/how to start with it as it is such a massive subject.

And I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to start, if you do, please share them! :smile:

Hi @Agruent! Nothing beats drawing from observation...so if you can find life drawing sessions or classes near you, that's a great place to start.

If attending a class isn't feasible, I've found that posemaniacs.com is a great resource to practice gesture drawings (with the added bonus that the models only show the musculature under the skin--no nudity!).

Former Disney animator Aaron Blaise offers a video course on human anatomy that is really good. The anatomy books by George B. Bridgman are also super helpful (and only about $8 each on Amazon). Even looking through clothing catalogs and sketching the models is a great way to learn. :smile:

Hope that helps. Good luck, practice often, and have fun!

Thank you! I'll definitely take a look at those!

Thats really cool, didn't know those existed. Thanks!

if you're coming from absolutely nothing then I think this one is pretty good, its payed but you can see whether it works out for you because he has quite a few of them available for free.

Proko is also an option

9 days later

6 months later

2 months later

I know I'm a bit late but I use CroquisCafe on youtube. They have both male and female models each pose goes from 1 to 5 minutes.

3 years later

Proko is a great resource to understand anatomy, but it is a premium resource.

If you have a budget, Proko is great, You can also buy some anatomy books such as Anatomy 4 sculptors, Facial Expression anatomy, etc.

But if you don't have budge, you use some free [anatomy reference websites such as Line of Action, Sketch Daily Reference, Pinterest, etc.

With these websites, you can find high-resolution posed models that are great to understand anatomy.