The design on this piece is great! Did you come up with it? I like all the similar bits that create harmony, like the feathers, her braids, and the wraps. These parts are contrasted with the little bits of asymmetry, like her one uncovered arm, or slightly turned pose itself.

Thanks so much! I came up with it on accident really, I was all set to draw a Viking of some sort and it slowly turned into this, so I just went with it!

A few small additions and changes, still trying to figure out exactly what I'm doing! I thought the bare stomach looked out of place with the heavy clothing everywhere else.

OK well I think it's as good as it's going to get for now. Not really happy with everything about it but I think it is probably the best thing I have done so far, so that's something! As always any suggestions on how to improve are welcome! Thanks!

2 months later

Cool! As for the design, it's just a matter of taste I think, but you have quite a few areas of lots of detail and fewer areas to have your eye rest. I'd make the bandages and the thingy with feathers around her waste (sorry for being a victim of bad history and word knowledge ^^' lol) more of such an area to rest on and less detailed if they aren't important to the design of the character.