Love this type of thing I fill sketch book pages like this all the time :smile: can't wait to see more, they are all looking good

Hey! I found your blog! I love your stuff! Your mech designs are DOPE.
I really want to increase the quality of my mechs because i LOVE them.
(since im a huge metal gear fan) lol
I hope you keep posting!

10 days later

Very smart and directed study tactic, should follow your example on that front. ^_^

11 days later

Hello! Nice work with your sketchbook so far :smile:
If i may offer a criticism and suggestion, it would be to work more on anatomical structure. In the last drawing, if you were to analyse the tridimensional structure, the symmetry of is not accurately observed, the right ear would be a lot more visible, and the right eye doesn't quite fit the skull (and both eyes look very close together). Her neck is also a bit thick.
I recommend drawing a bunch of human skulls for practice. This will help you draw heads better, obviously, but also help with general 3d forms.

Nice work you have here, I really like that fish person with his lamp thing.
Fishmen should be used more in general fantasy (and scifi) :smile:

Zanben really great new sketches man! Especially love the latest one, nice job with the painterly shading on that one. I also reeeally love Oliver the Lazy Sword Mage drawing, it's super charming and has a really fun vibe going on. Good stuff man, lookin forward to seeing more!

13 days later

3 months later

It's good to have you back here Wesley :3 Your newest pieces are awesome. I love the moss knight creature, and the personality of the elf character. I hope you'l post more frequently [: