I was wondering if anyone had some good tips, or a link, to help with adjusting the curve/angle of a thin edge or tip in Zbrush.

For example, if I'm trying to adjust the tip of a piece of hair or the edge of a cloak, the move brush has a tendency to pull more on surrounding geometry than the selected face. Whether I'm using move brush, snakehook, playing with curves... In general I have to pull the object really far and then push it back again to maintain the overall shape I want.

It seems like there has got to be a way that doesnt involve 3rd party additions or totally reforming the subtool from a rough shape. Currently I use a large brush and push out from the middle, and then move the entire piece back. Ideally I'd rather be able to pull the tip where I want it. Maybe I just didnt adjust the curve setting properly to achieve this.