Greetings all,

I like this idea, of keeping an art blog. I try to keep an Instagram updated, but it's a pretty odd space really- it doesn't feel as social as I'd hoped.

I'm going to make a thing of posting what I'm working on learning here. It might be pretty chaotic, I tend to go deep into niche topics, then dive off diagonally into something unrelated like some bizarre game of topic whack-a-mole.

Currently I'm trying to maintain focus on Term 1 topics from Art school. So mainly that's
perspective and figure drawing, but i'm playing around with composition studies a lot at the moment as well. There's a lot to work on, but my goal is to narrow my focus on the fundamentals - I'll need to if I want to get anywhere.

I've always struggled with perspective. I started the whole draw 250 boxes thing about the same time as starting with Art School and though it hurt to do, it's been helping me a lot.

An attempt at a 1 point perspective story a few months back:

Enter the cubes, and eventually cylinders, and finally getting my head around the idea that the horizon line is the same as our eye level.

Still I struggled with the one point perspective assignment mainly just due to a complete lack of experience, so I started doing Vandruff's perspective course on the side (it's only like $12 cause it's basically old tapes from the 90s, but it's good value if you don't mind dense theory) . He talks about doing perspective room sketches within 2 minutes so I decided to do that for a while since I was struggling with the assignment for the perspective class.

I couldn't really get to 2 minutes, these mostly took 3-5 minutes each (escept for the big escher thing, that took like an hour)

But yeah, finally got my head halfway around it this week and finished the assignment, keen for any feedback anyone might have on it (it's based on my garage/ "office");

I think all of your perspective stuff looks really good. If I had to give any sort of feedback right now I would say that in the office drawing you could have pushed the shadows a bit further, but that wasn't really the point of the assignment. You have one-point perspective down so now I'm looking forward to some two-point perspective

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