Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing your progress!

I've went hard for Day 1, it's early morning already. But i was just so excited.

I'm halfway through the Term 1 video and started with some assignments that were covered in the video. Doing some line of action, but especially focusing on drawing skeletons over references with cylinder!

Hello Zonalar, your first Picture of your current Skill is impressive. I am working to reach that Skill-Level.

Thank you! I am not a beginner anymore, honestly. I've always drawn on and off, but i never took the time to read art books or reach a defined goal, so there were lots of breaks between the artworks.

Hello and welcome in art school formus Zonalar!
The cylinder skeletons look real good, can't wait to see more of your work keep it up.

Thank you playforwho89 :smile:
Here is my assignment work of today. took me 2 hours. I think i will move on to the next step now and draw these people with the references next to it, and from imagination.
First i was thinking of skipping it all, after 2-3 cylinder-skeletons. But I came here specifically to follow a clear educational path, to reach my goal. So I will do as much of the assignments as possible and only modify them where it makes sense for my journey :smile:

Hey! I feel exactly the same as you. I am not a professional artist but thought maybe I could be. I am in my early 30s and going to give this a try!

Looking forward to see your results! Do you have set aside a schedule for this?

Moving to the next piece of Term 1, training my accuracy to draw what i see by using my pencil as measurement.
Overlaying the image at the end to see where the inaccuracies are.

Nice work with these consistent studies! Keep it up!

I don't have a set schedule. But I keep track of the hours I spend every week on it. I want to make sure I spend atleast 10 hours a week. I know it's not much but it's a start.

I'm not sure if i should upload all my warmups and gesture drawings and all that stuff... what do you guys think?
I have done my gesture drawing practice for the day and go ahead to do another male-female proportions one, to do as the assignment suggest and do them alot until it becomes second nature :smile:

Personally, I just upload everything I do for the week including warmups. I guess I do it to show the entire journey? But in the end I think its whatever you want to do! It certainly doesn't hurt to post them.

8 days later

I have returned from vacation. 5 days with the family. Now I've gotten sick and am pretty knocked out for big parts of the day.
It's making drawing real challenging guys, but i'll just have to take it how it is. Just have to recover and see if i feel well enough to draw inbetween some.
Since last i posted, there were some assignment pieces and sketches tho.
Including cake, because why not draw the cake im eating. And did some perspective.
These are my humble vacation-offerings. being dependant on my notebook completly gives it a different feeling. But it was nice doing some art without being distracted by my PC (only by the phone, hehe).

Always make sure to take care of yourself! Keep it up and feel better!