Definitely @malcom one of the first thing that strike me as odd when I opened the post was the head. Overall solid color choices and cool design.
Welcome aboard!
Definitely @malcom one of the first thing that strike me as odd when I opened the post was the head. Overall solid color choices and cool design.
Welcome aboard!
Haha, I can see that!
@newmand It is nice indeed, thank you
Here is another sculpt that I did! An eel
Hey, was busy making my submission for this weeks contest! This was my progress. Post-WIP! I didn't have many ideas or much time this week, so I went with this little silly story about using special powers to cool off your drink on the beach! I sketched out my characters face on a very small paper, (which looked alright before I blew it up on the screen!!) and put it in, I added the borders to separate character and background and started working from that.
In the second picture, I spent a lot of time trying to get anatomy, proportions and other things right. I wish I could start out in colors, but I am not quite there yet. In this phase, I wanted to make sure everything was alright before I went into coloring. And that is pretty much it.
I also made myself a time schedule with submission date (wednesday) which helped me avoid procrastination and broke me through any form of art blocks. Although I don't experience art blocks a lot; I struggle deciding on things! Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Hey, Mar! Thanks for your comment. I do really recommend that you try out 3D softwares, Zbrush especially! It has helped me think about shapes and lighting! You spend a lot of time problemsolving if the concept for the model you are making isn't clear, and you often have to do it in ways that fit reality. This mentality translates over to 2D, and is really helpful!