Good-looking 3d work! I never played WoW, but those barrels and boxes look charmingly video-gamey. Really feel the urge to break'em looking for items.

Hey, was busy making my submission for this weeks contest! This was my progress. Post-WIP! :smiley: I didn't have many ideas or much time this week, so I went with this little silly story about using special powers to cool off your drink on the beach! I sketched out my characters face on a very small paper, (which looked alright before I blew it up on the screen!!) and put it in, I added the borders to separate character and background and started working from that.

In the second picture, I spent a lot of time trying to get anatomy, proportions and other things right. I wish I could start out in colors, but I am not quite there yet. In this phase, I wanted to make sure everything was alright before I went into coloring. :smile: And that is pretty much it.

I also made myself a time schedule with submission date (wednesday) which helped me avoid procrastination and broke me through any form of art blocks. Although I don't experience art blocks a lot; I struggle deciding on things! Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Something fishy going on here... :smile:
These 3D sculpts are looking great! I especially like that crab you have made a few days ago. I wish I could sometime have the time to learn to do 3D work.

Hey, Mar! Thanks for your comment. :smile: I do really recommend that you try out 3D softwares, Zbrush especially! It has helped me think about shapes and lighting! You spend a lot of time problemsolving if the concept for the model you are making isn't clear, and you often have to do it in ways that fit reality. This mentality translates over to 2D, and is really helpful! :smile:

8 days later

Hey all! I made a scene for that sea creature I made a few days ago. Hope you like it! :smile:

Love the end Result. The expression gives her a lot of character :smile: .If i may ask, did you use grandient maps to color it?

Hey, Fira! Yes, to both questions! Zbrush is an awesome program :smile:

And as for the painting, the technique I used didn't necessarily require gradient maps, but it is a quick way to put down color so you can work on top of it afterwards! By managing values separately, you can put more focus into making it look right and then jump into colors with gradient maps and start working off there :smile: Glad you liked my derpy fish too!

Nice blog! I can see you grew a lot every day!
The last scene with sea creature is very very cool :smile: I also like your sketching style.
I think your 2D digital painting/rendering can use some work.

Some pics of what I've been working on lately! Going to texture this soon :smile:

Nice sketches! :smile:
About Symmetra: the anatomy of her upper body is off. Try to build up the body from basic shapes. I did a paintover:

Thanks for pointing out the anatomy in your paint over! :smile: This is really helpful.