Hey, Enalya!
I am making many sketches in my spare time trying to learn how to create faces, and it is very helpful that you're giving feedback on the ones that I do post!
It is nice to see that I have fewer anatomical mistakes than last time! And I agree with you about the pupil, it also makes it harder to stare into her eyes, and I would rather look away because of it. Regardless, it is nice to try out, and I somehow want it to work, so I'll keep experimenting!
As for the scribbly lines, I very much agree. This is far worse earlier in the process, and it is just me mapping out the shapes and trying to make sense out of them! My way of learning, I guess.
As for making her less feminine, I guess there is truth to that. But, I think it is sort about keeping a balance between realistic and stylized, as I could easily erase them and only have the outlines for the eyes, nose and mouth. I guess I am trying to find a balance still!
Thank you for helping out again, this is very much useful.