Hi everyone! My name is Agnes. I live in Czech republic. I'm 17 years old and I study graphic design. I love games, animated movies and TV shows. I've been drawing for few years but only as a hobby and most of drawings were traced. I stopped because i didn't have time and passion. Recently I've startred drawing again and I want to learn more.

My second assignment - Image adjustments.
I worked in photoshop before but never edited saturation, colors by its tools. I think it wasn't bad on first try but I definitely need to work on it.

Term 1
Create your dream castle. I still don't know how masks work :sweat_smile:

Welcome to the forums Agnes, awesome job with these ones

neither do i XD

Hey there, welcome, great job on initial assignments. As for masks, they are basically something you place on your layer to hide a part of it. You can use anything on the layer to “paint” what you want to hide - using brushes, text, shapes, etc and that part of the layer will disappear revealing what is behind it

For example, you make a figure and you want it to hold a prop. You make a prop on another layer on top of your figure and want to hide the part of the prop where the fingers overlap it. You can erase that part, but that’s destructive. A mask will just hide it using black or white to tell the program what to hide. Grays will make it slightly transparent


Another assignment
I'm still fighting with liquify especially on the alien. I tried it multiple times but I always mess up nose and mouth. Any tips and tricks please?

Welcome Agnes! great job with the assignments. I'm new to drawing and i'm jealous of anyone who can draw straight lines and circles rn lol.

For liquify you can try playing around with brush size, try a large brush size to move features around and small size to move and mold details. Be wary or how the brush affects everything around what you want to move and you can also try using the side of the brush when moving a silhouette fir example without affecting the inside of the object too much


Starting with figure drawing
This was realy nice assignment. I'm starting with line of action and simple boxes for head, torso and hips. Next time I'll go into more details like 3d box for better direction of head.

Nice work, keep it up

Try color coding the cylinders that come towards and go away from you