Hey, good to see you here o/
I'm not master artist myself, I'm far off. However a bit of advice I learned is to not give up on a drawing too early. The nice thing about art is that you can continue to work into a piece over and over again, every iteration hopefully making it look better to your standards. As for the spear piece I think the proportions might be a bit off along with the anatomy?
That could be it ^.^ I'd suggest just making some practice drawings like you did at the bottom, but more anatomically in depth.

Hey, nice to see you too! : )

Thanks for the feedback , @Elrodeon , much appreciated !

I don't really know what you mean by anatomically in depth / how in depth, could you show me an example , please?

I sugest you gather some reference and really pay attention on how the parts connect to each other and their sizes and shapes.
There a few websites with great refence,here is the one i usually go to study/figure drawing....http://www.artmodeltips.com/poses/
By the way i also had the same problem when starting digital painting,hang on...eventually it gets less annoying.

The website lunierelucas suggested is pretty good, I'd recommend just maybe spending some time sketching out those forms. Perhaps try and limit yourself to five minutes for each figure then gradually shorten it to force yourself to only focus on key elements!
As for what I meant... If you just search up 'anatomy (body part)' so for example... If you search up anatomy arm on google images you'll get a bunch of pictures just showing you the anatomy of the arm. I'd suggest making some studies of those! For example I used stuff like this... (Ain't my drawing btw)