This was done as part of a set of 3 sketches I did a few months ago. My idea for them was to tell a story about the civilization which the girl in the suit is wearing, mostly through her suit. She is the same girl, and each one is a concept of her, both the suit and the back story of where she comes from are different for the 3 different concepts. Each one is interacting with our own civilization through our meeting among the stars within our own ships, or without in the case of the first one. I've included a link to the first one at the end of this post to keep the focus on this new one. I want to go through my process of creating this.

Star Bind-Mars Mission

There is also a gif included and my reference wall for this. First I started with the loose sketch, I then turned it into a more finished piece of lineart. The reason I use lineart first is it helps me work out technical details better. After I create a flats layer to figure out my colors. At this point everything is, lineart, flats, two layers. Now I create 2 new layers, one set to screen the other multiply, the former for high lights, the latter for shadows. I take a deep purple of about 21B and 33S for the shadow, and in the yellowish hue, 100B 33S for the light. Just use HSB sliders on your color palette picker in PS and you'll get those colors. I do a base render over the flats with the lineart over it. Now, make sure you have black on your screen layer, and white on your multiply, this lets you eye dropper the values(set to current layer). After I reach a certain point, I merge everything together and cut up the elements, character form BG and the various overlapping BG elements, this gives me easier control later on when finishing up the piece. The value in doing my initial step is that I get my lighting pre mixed with the base flat colors, so I can eye dropper later once I get into straight paint. Various blending modes are used, special effects are done a number of ways, and you can see in the gif the entire process only comes together in the final stages of the render.

Link to first painting which I did back in February.

I'm really liking your work so far! Lots of pretty cool stuff. I especially like the monochromatic Cyberpunk Batgirl. I find the look really fitting. And that last one looks awesome too. I love the rendering of the character and all the details her suit has.

Keep up the great work!

@cedricgo Thank you very much! Glad you dig it, and much more coming I've got in the works!

Want to share these finished concepts for League of Legends character Illaoi. Tried to make each one unique and give them a slightly different body type as well as the costume variants!





I have started on the finished illustration thumbnail based off my concept.

6 months later

New piece, same process as usual, lines are blended after I flat, with semi rendered colors, but a layer is kept of those flats.

1 month later

Cyberpink is like cyberpunk, but less dark...:smile: You saw it here first folks!

Still a bit of the dystopia or it wouldn't have a touch of social commentary...

2 years later

Haven't updated this thread in a very long time, reason being is I basically stopped making anything for my portfolio and instead started thinking about other projects I can work towards which will earn me money, both short term and long term.

I still actively work as a comic colorist, but that field doesn't pay too well.

I guess the way I see it, I'll always improve my art because of my mind set, and instead of making basically 'throw away' pieces for some portfolio to 'hopefully' work at some company...

I'll build my own