I really like the highlights and shadows, amazing work!

Welcome back! Love your stuff as usual. I'm still trying to get the hang of the new forum too :stuck_out_tongue:

Those sketches looks pretty good! I like second one a lot.

So good to see you here!! Your work is magnificent as ever, I'm glad we will be able to see more of it here :smile:

thank you guys^^ :smiley:
I wonder if I can have mature content shown here..

I would guess nudity is okay as long as the picture is not sexually explicit.

Anyway, nice work once again! I like the way you did the skintones in the second one, using very desaturated grays. It works suprisingly well.

Cedric is right, artistic nudity is allowed, (sexually explicit pictures are not), so this is fine!
(bit more explanation here)

Thank you guys! okay Ill try not to over do it:)

so every time i listen to the weeknd music I end up drawing stuff like this..at least shes covered..

8 days later

10 days later

Ok so im not good at studies i really tried with this one. I have mixed feelings about the result.
The artist i tried to imitate is michael hussar

and another sketch

I really like the ''bloody lady in white''. She has just the right balance of creepyness and elegance.

This was like a game it was so much fun I should do this more often ^^

ideas on pirate

I wanted to save this url it somehow helped me understand all my flaws (or maybe soem of them^^) in one go.
Its "onepixelbrush" company's hiring page so if its somehow offending any rule let me know and I will remove.
The important part is the Do's and Dont's


im not good with lineart I usually mess up proportions. i pushed this one a bit to test my result