Nice work so far! It's definitely a nice goal that you've set for yourself. I can't wait to see the evolution :smile:

JourneyToExcellence 69/1095 (I upload these a bit late, I couldn't do it earlier.)

Global Game Jam Geneva (48h to create a video game) - Part 1/3: Brain storming, graphic identity research and level design

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Global Game Jam Geneva (48h to create a video game) - Part 2/3:
Fox design, rigging and animation. This cute fox is one of the two playable characters of our game. At the same time both our developers were working on the gameplay and the other two more artists were working on the environment design!

You can view the animation

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Global Game Jam Geneva
(48h to create a video game) - Part 3/3: Human character design, rigging and animation. The human is the second of the two playable characters
of our game. We still have some bugs to fix but the game is working! Next game jam we'll try to be less ambitious though 😆. That jam was a great experience anyway. Looking forward to the next one!!

You can view some videos of the animation and a bit of the gameplay here.

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Gesture drawing: One hour session with speed enhancement purpose. The session was split as follows: 1x15min, 1x10min, 1x7min, 1x5min,
1x3min, 2x2min30s, 10x1min, 10x30s

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Gesture drawing: Ten minutes session with speed enhancement purpose. The
session was split as follows: 5x1min, 10x30s

Didn't have enough time to do more today

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Time trial: 1.5 hour photo study with thoracic anatomy understanding purpose

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ArtDigging part 1 : These next days I'll be relaxing a bit and spend some time looking for inspiration and get ready for the next and before last stage of my thoracic anatomy studies: stylized studies.

In today's Art Digging session:


Hugo Richard

Qiu Fang

Max Berthelot

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ArtDigging part 4:

In today's session I've been digging a bit on Kiro'o Games, a Cameroonian video game studio. Their game - that they also made a comic from - looks very nice!

I've also been digging a bit on Ahmed Aldoori's website

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ArtDigging part 5 (end):

Looking for an picure for my next image analysis. As I'm currently studying the thoracic anatomy, I'd like the image to somehow represent a torso.

Still have to choose one though. Any suggestion is welcome :smile:

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Picture analysis: Finally I didn't get much inspiration from the previous pictures so I spent more time looking for some with more developed storytelling.