Yooo Snakker here, local noob still term 1 :P. I keep finding more sketchbooks so just landed on yours and scrolled through everything. I gotta say, for a total beginner you're doing great! It's very nice seeing all the progress
From what I can tell you're doing a good job - at least I think so. A couple of things I could recommend at this point that I've noticed help me a lot to evolve faster is doing gestures a lot and iterations (like what you're doing with the ear - try simplifying a few core things like the helix and antehelix are two main things that curl parallel to each other and one juts out a little more and at the bottom the internal curve makes the tragus, antitragus and a notch at the bottom. Once you get the main idea in your head, try doing a bunch of iterations in different angles from reference first and then a couple from imagination) In other words, don't study all the details of any one thing, try simplifying them into easy things to remember like the helix being a question mark and the ante helix making that particular shape at the bottom with the tragus and antitragus looking at each other and you'll advance faster - make it your own!
cheers and keep up the good work!!