I've been working on this for a while and for the most part I just need to clean it up a bit but I detest how the hair looks. Can anyone provide any tips on improving it and anything else you'd like to point out.

nice idea ...
you could darken the shadow areas even more,
a little bit more colour variation on the skin ( more red to the elbows),
give the lingerie also highlights and shadows, even black has colour variation (blueish highlights for example),
for the hair > highlights, shadows, colour increasement > marc got tutorials on youtube for those things that are quite helpfull (brushboost) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDIuwfkRoeo

Interesting concept.

The pose is pretty solid and the face looks really good, but you could work a bit on capturing the volume of the body.

The shadows suggest the shapes of the body fairly accurately, but you might want to make the bands in the middle section taper of a bit more sharply to follow the boxy shape of the rib cage a bit more.

The nipple should also be placed a bit lower on the breast. (Imagine the breast as a teardrop shape where the nipple is roughly placed on the widest part, pointing slightly down and out.)

Keep up the good work!