Hello, I am André, a Brazilian software engineer :wave: :smile: :computer: - While I was a kid I loved to draw and growing up I kinda lost interest into it, only to my regret. I want to go back into that creative state I had which brought me so much joy. I hope to get lots of insights from you and share my own work as well.

Short bio: 35 yr old connecting back to his old childhood artist.

Welcome to the forums André! I look forward to seeing your work!

11 days later

Nice work! These are looking good! Some of these cylinders are spot on, some are a bit flat. Overall they are really good! I would recommend drawing the entire elipse through the cylinder to really get a feel for the volume of the cylinder. Really fantastic job overall though!

Hey Lockenheim! Thanks for the tips. Indeed, now I can see their flatness here and there. Drawing the full ellipse might help, for sure. I am a little bit uncomfortable, though, with the length of those cylinders for the upper leg... sometimes I feel I am taking the knee out. :expressionless:

Hey André! Figure breakdowns look great if you are looking for advice sometnihing that really helped me down the line was simplifying hips as a 3d box it was very dificult at the start but eventually it allowed my to understand them beted as they turn and their relation ship to the rib cage. Over all great job, cant wait to see more :smile:

You might try representing the knee with a sphere, I like to do it that way and I think it looks good. But there are many ways to do it!

19 days later

1 month later