So this is the second assignment ^^

So far you nailed almost everything, great job. In my opinion, the Assignment 2 part 4 could have the high lights a little more to the orange, like the legs and sand, and the shadows could be more to the blue, purple instead of pink. :+1:

@guidcs Thanks guidcs!
And thanks for the tip on the 4th part, I really was struggling there :smile:

11 days later

Welcome back then!

And hes pretty delightful old, that is brad pit aged a bit right?

Great job with the pen control exercise! I couldn't trace the circles quite as neatly as you did :grin:. I struggled with the Adjustment exercises too especially the last one, but I found the key was to rest my eyes and look away for a bit before coming back since my eyes were so fatigued from the previous exercises already. Great job on Brad Pitt too, very refined work.

1 month later