Looking good. Keep at it and try adding in the torso and heads.

One thing to note, whenever doing exercises I personally feel the presentation can suffer if anything is sloppy, for example, when siggesting the shade on the fkat side of the cylinder, rather than squibbly lines try a consistent parallel hatching and be mindful of line weight, if its less important on your mind - say it in your work, else no one can read it as such. Its like a language, if you want to show that your side plane is less important for you you could add some straight parallel lines super lightly, but if in stead we have a thick squiggle that is unlike anything else on canvas - it reads differently. That took me a while to understand, always keep an audience in your mind and imagine you are trying to tell them everything in your mind kinda thing XD


Damn, thanks, i haven't thought about that. i'll try this out on my next attempt.

10 days later

My first Lineart study (Original is by Marc Brunet), Took me a long time to finish, mainly because of a busy week, but i am super proud of the result

9 days later