Welcome to the forums! I believe that there are several tatoo artists in the forums you should be in good company!

Great to meet you :smile: I'm happy to hear there are a lot of people having success applying these lessons to tattooing!

June 20th 2022 Update

Hey Everyone! I put in a lot of work on gesture, full figure construction, torso construction, and mixing gesture and construction! Thanks so much to @daudraime for the torso and gesture resources! They helped a LOT and everything would not have turned out this well without them! Thanks for looking!


@daudraime took your advice and tried to do more more confident lines on these even though they ended up looking jankier because of it I definitely am starting to understand how much better a single confident line looks!


Torso Construction

Gesture and Construction Mix

Nice to meet you! I'm glad to hear you're starting to regain your spark.

I gotta say, you have a substancial improvement over the last time! Very good! Keep practicing like this, and I am VERY happy that my studies helped you friend!

Nice work so far! Good progress! One thing that may help visualize the cylinders of the limbs in space is to draw the elpise all the way through the form to the other side. It will really help define the roundness of the form. Good work and keep it up!

Thanks so much for taking a look! I'll definitely focus on trying that more in my future construction studies!

June 27th Update

Another week's worth of construction, gesture, and combining the two. I think I started to grasp gesture a little more this week, still struggling to define it quickly and need up too 5 minutes to capture the gesture with semi-correct proportions. Working on using more c-curves, s curves, and straight lines and trying to make my strokes more confident. I feel like my structure is getting a little better. Haven't done digital at all this week, because these studies just feel better to do in traditional. Let me know if anyone thinks this is a problem, thanks so much for looking :smile:



Gesture and Construction Combined

I havnt done much traditional but they are the same set of skills so I don't think it matters to much which you practice on. I just like digital for Ctrl z lol!

16 days later

July 19th Update

It's been a while since I posted, but I've been hard at work and have filled a full sketchbook from the last time I posted until now! Been practicing a LOT of gesture, anatomy, and structure. One of my next goals is to start learning about facial structure, but I wanted to get some critiques on some things I can improve on when it comes to how my current work. Any advice/critiques would be very appreciated :smile: Thanks for taking a look!

For improvement you could work on your line quality. I think that would help the read and the professionalism if the piece. Try making your curves and lines in one clean stroke.vif you don't get the angle right erase and try again. It will be worse at first but will pay off in the long run.

Thanks so much for the advice :smile: I'll try to work on that as I go into my next round of studies this week!

July 25th Update

My update for this week! Have been working on studying anatomy of the body more and have put off working on faces. I feel like I got a much better understanding of torso anatomy even though its not perfect yet. I tried to work on my line quality from @Lockenheim 's suggestion and I feel like my lines have gotten a little more confident definitely not quite there yet. Any further critiques would be very appreciated :smile: Thanks so much for taking a look!

It looks like you have a good understanding of where the muscles of the torso go. I think you should work on your shoulders more because some of them look unproportionable to the rest of the torso. Keep up the good practice!