Looking great! I'd concentrate a bit more on the focal point. His face could use it to make the focal point more visible.

yep thats my problem, ogre isn't have facial hair, or some sort of that XD i cant add more tiny shape there, so i just play with the light there. Yeah thats my bad. thank you by the way :smiley:

12 days later

That head! It's awesome! It just pops so well, it feels like I can actually touch it through my screen. XD

Great job once again!

practice from Nick Gindraux's work. Learning how this amazing artist shape language. *still can't figure it out XD

4 months later

Hi guys! i'm back!
Have a long journey lately. Can't posting much because of NDA, here just a view of my study & sketches.

Hope i can push more further XD

4 months later

Another study during break time, will try to get some more from this site :smile: will try doing constatnt art post here

Here it is, studies from this week, based on MTG card by Wesley Brut

They look great! I instantly recognize them. I think Liliana came out especially well. I also really like your brushwork on these.

Thanks! :smiley: yeah, after Jace and Chandra, i wanna 'push' a bit more, so i put more time on Liliana, glad you liked it. More to come ! gonna do the gatewatch first

Nissa Sage Animist! just cant hold to paint her

very nice! is this nissa?

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