Hey people!
I'm Anlly (Angie) and i have been drawing for two years now, i use mainly traditional for sketches and sometimes digital for finished works. I'm 15 years old and i want to study animation :smile:.
Feel free to make a critique or you know... if you like anything (wink, wink).

Hello Anlly- looks like you have a well dressed character there. What's your comic about ?

Hey! i don't think you're going to be very interested in it :sweat_smile: but they're little stories between two male characters.

You know that feeling when you're really excited for a drawing but then it doen't come out as you imagined? yeah.

real nice sketches they have alot of character to them ^^ might be worth trying to use coloured animation pencils to use for your sketches to get a cleaner outline when using pencil. Although I still think your way of sketching still has a nice look to it ^^ anyway keep up the work

@tree_head Hey! and thanks, i rarelly use colors (i'm not good with them) but i will try and see what comes out.

Great caricature and personality on the faces!

The makeup i'm planning to wear in school
Also, i'm way too active today.

It has been a long time! This time i actually tried to do my sketches digitally (which considering i don't have a tablet was not so easy).

Ah hey! I recognize your digital faces from another thread. Your sketches are great, your characters are especially good and interesting! Right now, I'd recommend you to be more confident in your lines, drag them out a bit and explore the shapes. Your sketches are pretty, but many are only the very sillhouettes of eyes, noses. There is often more to it than that, wrinkles, eyelids. Explore the depths of the planes, such as the deep part between the eye's caruncle and the nose. You can also form out the shadows with lines to better help you understand how things work! Either way, you are still amazing, especially for your age (I can't even remember being 15!) you're great and I'm looking forward to seeing you develop :smile:

2 months later

Hi, thanks for the advice, i will try to follow it and thanks for the encouragement too :smile:
and sorry for the late reply.