Hey everyone, new to the forums. Planing to post everyday my progress, even if it is just some minutes of drawing like today. I believe the key is consistency, so I'll train myself to post everyday and see my progress!

First day: female skull practice

Hey! Welcome to the forums :smile: and indeed, the key is always consistency!

Welcome friend.
An interesting thing you could do to train your hand is to copy art work you like. Try doing that and posting here.
Also, try deconstructing a model into basic forms (sphere, box) and skeletal forms that you've learned to draw (in this case the skull) and post them here (side by side with the model picture) for advice. This exercises you'll find will help you greatly.
Best of luck.

19 days later

Ok, I can't fail again. Work is sinking a lot of energy but need to get through this. Some studies from some other amazing manga artists out there!

Hey! Glad to see that you're back!

You shouldn't push yourself too hard. Even ten minutes a day can make a great difference, think of it as brushing your teeth :smile: If you force yourself too much, you can start to dislike it, and that'll make things even harder!

First time doing digital illustrations! can't believe this takes so many hours to finish even from reference. Done Julis from Aterisk, hope you like it and also C&C are more than welcome so I can improve!