
I've been doing digital art for a bit and still have a loooooooong way to go but, I am excited to just keep learning and be apart of an art community.

My work before starting the course:

Aye that's great to hear! Let us know if you need any critique or help on an art piece :smile:

8 days later

Interiors def not my strong suit but picked up a few things from the lesson and doing the one point perspective assignment.

Any feedback or critique would be very appreciated

Hi @aobot :smile:

I really like your artworks, especially the lighting and the way you colored it. I like the soft style of it. May I asked what kind of brush you used?

For me, the perspective drawing looks great, too. So far I have not seen any errors or irregularities (but I am pretty unexperienced , so... :wink: ) I like all the details in it. Do you plan to color it?

Hi @GrumpyAlex

Thank you for compliment :smile: I mainly use a square brush then for the last 20% I use clip studio paints smooth water colour brush to smooth out some of the transitions and use some random texture brushes for finishing touches like smoke or texturing clothes and other things.

I appreciate you taking the time providing feedback on the perspective drawing. I may come back to it but, i think i'll just leave it as a practice drawing for now.

good stuff. Cant wait to see more.

Tried to do a futuristic Air BnB/Dinner for the two point perspective assignment. looking for feedback, but also curious if anyone has any tips on making things look more sci fi but still convincing?

18 days later

It looks awesome.
I would like to know, too, how you could make things look more si-fi :sweat_smile:
I can imagine that colours / surfaces play an important part in that, but in Line Art I dont have any idea how too make that look fore futuristic.

And thanks. I use CSP as well, but I never thought of using the watercolour brushes for smoothing, will definetly try that out. :smiley: