Hi... Long time no post, long time no draw. I was meant to come back after 3 weeks but somehow there was always something, somewhere... Or just a plain lack of will to draw? Anyway, today was the first day when I collected enough willpower points to set up the station, sit down and get back to drawing. As it is a warmup since January - I started with getting back to gesture. It's a mix of 45s-10min. `Hope I'll be back soon

Welcome back :blush: It's always tough for me to get back to drawing when I take an unintended break from it, so kudos to you on taking the first step! Hope to see you back soon as well :grinning:

Here is step 1 for the assignment with 3P perspective drawing. I was really struggling with the idea for the project as wanted it to be different from the one that Mark has done in the video (although the vanishing point through the gate will definitely be used in the future!)
So at the moment, this is a sketch phase - but I thought if anyone will find things that need correction that is the best time to do it now.
My most concern was how the towers are tilting with going toward the right VP - but looking at the guidelines I couldn't find any obvious "booboos" - so maybe it is just the fact that it is a bit close to the VP and therefore just distorted this way?
The other is the top of the towers - which is supposed to be a round top - does it look believable? Or should I try to redraw those?
Thanks for any tips!
Cheers gang!

Pretty sure this is just some perspective shenanigans, probably because the frame is out the safe triangle marc's mentioned on the lesson, but it does make the image feel more dinamic tho, but i'm totally inexperience when it comes to perspective stuff.

18 days later

Took me a while but here is a finished piece.
I usually leave pieces half-finished so I really wanted to go through with this one and accept the result. Internally deal with the fact that I don't know much about colours, light etc, but I should not be afraid to use them. I hope I'll be able to finish some more artwork in the future and that it will be my first step to be braver with my pieces :wink:
As always critique is very much welcome!

Looks great! I like the atmosphere

I think colors and light came out nice

@patrycja.lerch - thanks!
@Gordon003 you got me... :sweat_smile: the moon is only figuratively where it is. I know I cheated but I didn't know how to draw it the proper way - I wanted the moon there for composition but then didn't know how to do back sl angled light. I just couldn't imagine it. I will probably re-draw it when I'll make it to the term with light and understand how it behaves in this situation a bit better. I know I've been cheeky :smiling_imp:

Nice painting OP, hope u doing well
There is some critique hope you don't mind.
At first impression, the far left of building felt like dropping(?) like Italy Tower of Pizza. It does felt not synchronize with other building. The dark value possible too dark below gate

Then I look at the top sketch its actually following the 3 point perspective and its much synchronize.

I try brighten bottom part using Photoshop Camera Raw Filter and only recognize there is fog(?) at the below and some plant too. So yeah maybe decrease dark value at below building. Now I felt building are more synchronize, I'm not sure other people impression but it pop well a little for me when brighten a little.

Other people might give better perspective but that's my critique, very nice painting btw.

Thank you so much for the critique! It does look much better when brightened - something to remember for future trials :wink: And yeah I felt the perspective looked a bit odd while it was in making - I'll have to play with placement a bit more before fully committing.
Many thanks! Hope I'll be better next time :muscle: