
Openly and out loud working on making a routine that is effective using CSP / Procreate alongside the various assignments that are to be done by the students and the like.

Currently figuring out how to make the daily exercises as efficient as possible with certain templates and settings to focus on certain elements such as line width/ random curves and then quickly export the page and then clear it like an etch sketch... with proper resolution for each of the sketches on the page.

So far I am switching back between CSP (clip studio paint) and Procreate, since I love the hold down for line you can get out of procreate.

I might just work on one layer for all the art but I like to really work in grids that are individualized which is why i used a comic panel for all the ones in this one.

Ramble version πŸ’€ πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

With how it is currently set up I have a couple of things that I am working out, such as a method to easily export images and practice sets in a quick and noted manner, however it seems that in just using the ipad as my main source to create the grids I'm having difficulty in how big to actually make it, and then how to effectively switch to the next Grid layer while drawing in the 30 second bouts. doesn't seem like much but even the zoom out pinch in and hit next comic layer takes a few seconds I prob should figure out how to take out.


attached below are like the Beta versions being used to complete some gestures, but I'm taking today to work on establishing a Grid size that will fit my needs.